Under a competitive and fast-changing world, the company is striving forward and pursuing continuous improvement with the aim of reasonability, transparency and good governance. To ensure the standard and the best practices while conducting business, the company, therefore, has established the "Code of Conduct" by gathering and adopting rules and regulations that best suit the company's practices.
The company hopes to receive well cooperation from the board of directors, executives, and employees by following and maintaining the code of conduct.
Section 1: Business Ethics
With the aim of moving forward on the basis of ethics and morals along with being responsible to stakeholders and being conscious of the company’s value and tradition, business ethics guidelines are set to encourage and guide the management team and the employees as follows.
- Respect and comply with the law and regulations
The company realised the importance of respecting and complying with the law and regulations while conducting business. Accordingly, employees are expected to respect and follow the law, rules, traditions, and culture of both the company and the society.
- Anti-corruption practices
The company supports and encourages all employees to realise the importance of anti-corruption as well as generates an operation to prevent corruption, extortion, and all forms of bribery.
- Conflicts of interest
Taking into account the benefit of the stakeholders, the company establishes regulations for the purpose of showing transparency that the management team and the employees need to follow by avoiding and being involved in any actions that can cause conflicts to the company. In the case of cannot avoid those conflicts, relevant parties have to take responsibility with transparency and fairness for the maximum benefit of the company.
- The use of information / Information maintenance
The use of information and information maintenance is one of the crucial policies that create equality and fairness for all types of data in which must be kept confidentially and must not be used for benefit seeking both directly and indirectly.
- Internal control/ Internal audit control/ Risk management and financial report
The company is determined to create value added and sustainable operation in accordance with the principles of corporate governance. Therefore, the company has establish a policy for operation and internal audit according to the international standards as well as control and manage risk to optimal level without affecting the company’s goal. In addition, the company also regularly monitor and evaluate the operation and prepare accounting report according to the law in order to gain trust from customers and stakeholders.
- Giving / receiving gifts, assets, or other interests
Giving/receiving gifts, assets, or other interests can be done in some cases as appropriate based on traditions or cultures.
- Procurement and customer services
Procurement is considered a crucial process determining cost, product quality, and services used in the company. Therefore, the operation must be made reasonably and transparent for the benefit of the company. Additionally, a good relationship with partners on the basis of trust and honour is also taken into account as well.
- Intellectual property and the use of information and communication
Intellectual property and the use of information and communication is considered a major factor as it can improve the efficiency of doing business. Therefore, employees shall respect the rights of intellectual property.
- Political Rights and Political Neutrality
The company operates with transparency and neutrality by taking action independently and encouraging employees to exercise their rights.
- Employees ethics
Employees ethics must be followed along with rules and regulations for employees to develop themselves, work as a team, treat everyone equally and be honest.
- Respecting human rights
The company supports and respects human rights both at a national and international level. The company also regularly monitors and prevents any unfair human rights activities by following the human rights policy of the United Nations and the Kingdom of Thailand.
- Receiving complaints, suggestions and whistleblowing policy
The company has implemented complaint and whistleblowing channels by phone, fax, email, and post. Additionally, the company shall inform the facts and provide policies to the complainants and relevant parties as soon as possible. Stakeholders can also inform if there are any harmful or illegal actions that can affect the company. The complaints will be kept confidentially.
Business ethics policies
In case of doubts or difficulties in making decisions or performing duties bases on business ethics, employees can ask themselves about their actions with the following questions
- Is the action illegal?
- Is the action contrary to the company’s policies?
- Is the action acceptable, or can it be revealed to the public?
- Does the action cause any damage to the reputation of the company?
- Does the action have a negative impact on the stakeholders?
The employees can also ask directly to the supervisor or the manager as well.
Receiving business ethics claims
With the expectation of good cooperation in adhering to the rules, regulations, and business ethics, the company shall encourage to have reports reviewing actions that are contrary to the company's principles. The information will be kept confidential and be reviewed with fairness and transparency to all parties both during and after the investigation.
Section 2: Social Responsibility
The company realises the importance of effective management by adhering to good governance and seven social responsibility principles as follows.
- Accountability
- Transparency
- Ethical behaviour
- Respect for stakeholder interests
- Respect for the rule of law
- Respect for international norms of behavior
- Respect for human rights
- Accountability
The company is aware of the social responsibility to the environment and is willing to be inspected and be responsible for the outcome that was caused by the company’s action. Appropriate measures will be taken into account in order to prevent any damages (if any).
- Transparency
The company believes in conducting a business with policy transparency and the consequences of activities affecting society and the environment. Therefore, relevant parties shall have access to such information when necessary.
- Ethical behavior
The company shall perform ethically based on honesty and fairness by taking into account the benefit of people, animals and the environment and shall continue to develop good governance that can improve ethical practices as well as having a guideline to control and supervise performances, performing the process, and modifying process that aligns with the company's guiding principles.
- Respect for stakeholder interests
The company shall identify the benefit of stakeholders by taking into consideration the benefit and need as well as the impact of the decisions made by the stakeholders.
- Respect for the rule of law
The company shall follow the rule of law by proceeding in accordance with the law and guidelines as well as reviewing relevant information regularly.
- Respect for international norms of behavior
The company shall respect international guidelines and shall not cooperate with other organisations by doing illegal activities or violating any international laws and regulations. The company shall also review and evaluate any actions under the jurisdiction of the law.
- Respect for human rights
The company realises and respects human rights. In the case of unfair or inappropriate regulations on human rights, the company shall adhere to international human rights which can be applied to any circumstances, cultures, and countries by avoiding any beneficial circumstances.
Section 3: Corporate Social Responsibility
In order to effectively use the code of conduct that can be applied to the fast-moving economy and environment with the goal of sustainable development and confidence in the operation process, the company has adopted 7 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) guidelines as follows.
- Organisational Governance
The company is determined to run a successful business with fairness and transparency based on the social responsibility policies by adhering to the principles and regulations for the sustainable growth of the company.
- The company is determined to social responsibility by announcing policies in a written statement
- The company operates with transparency and investigable
- The company establishes and retains the company’s structure and regulations that can be applied to the principles of social responsibility practice
- The company creates incentives to motivate employees and ensure that the social responsibility process runs effectively.
- The company presents the use of budget, raw materials, natural resources, and human resources efficiently.
- The company acts fairly regardless of gender or ethics.
- The company considers the need of stakeholders to create the balance of the economy, social, and environment as follows
Employees are considered valuable resources and are essential to the company. Employees can help drive the company to achieve the goal. The company, therefore, establishes a policy to ensure the welfare of employees for future advancement as well as having safe and hygienic working conditions as follows.
- Promote and develop employee's knowledge and ability continuously in order to provide a stable work-life together with equality as well
- Provide reasonable compensation based on knowledge, ability, responsibility, and outcome
- Provide suitable welfare in accordance with the law
- Respect personal rights in accordance with the law
- Respect employee’s personal privacy and secure their private information comply with the law and regulations strictly
- Provide a good and safe environment for the life and safety of employee’s property
- Treat and act with respect and dignity towards employees
- Appoint, transfer, reward, and punish with fairness by taking into account the ability and knowledge of the employee
- Emphasis on the development of the ability of the employees by providing opportunities thoroughly and regularly
- Avoid any unfair actions that can impact the stability or threaten the mental state of the employees
- Employees have the right to complain in the case of not being treated equally
- Listen fairly to the opinions and recommendations from the employees
Society and community
- Carry out activities that can help develop society and communities to have a better quality of life.
- Be responsible and committed to environmental stewardship and local traditions.
- Response quickly and effectively to any negative impact on the environment, society, and community resulting from the company’s operation
- Create awareness about social, community, and environmental responsibility among employees.
- Effectively Cooperate and strictly control in accordance with the law and regulations.
The company operates with the goal of improving and developing the country by adhering to the law, regulations and guidelines in accordance with the business practice.
- Submit relevant documents to the government as required by law
- Cooperate in organising activities with the government
- Cooperate with the government as required by law
The company realised the importance of customer satisfaction; therefore, ISO9001 and ISO14001 standards were implemented.
- The company realised the importance of product quality and services that can satisfy and benefit customers the most.
- The company is committed to delivering products and services on time
- The company shall continuously improve the efficiency of production
- The company is determined to conduct a business in accordance with the relevant legal obligations in terms of labour, environment, safe working conditions, and food safety.
- The company shall create campaigns for employees to help preserve the energy.
- The company shall reduce the amount of wastewater by screening, recycling, and reusing.
- The company is committed to protecting the environment, pollution, and specific requirements of the organisation.
- The company shall improve the process of environmental management continuously in order to enhance the quality of the administration.
Supplier and partner
One of the company's policies is to establish a good business relationship with suppliers and partners by conducting business based on fairness between both parties by considering the company's benefit.
- Cooperate in the exchange of information for the benefit of doing business
- Cooperate in the exchange of information for the benefit of doing business
- Pay attention to opinions and suggestions as well as provide accurate information to the customers.
- The company has communications channels listening to opinions and suggestions as well as finding solutions for future improvements
- The company encourage and promote all social responsibility activities of the employees
- The company has appointed authorities to make a specific decision in order to create balance responsibilities effectively.
- The company regularly monitors the working process of each appointed authority to ensure the most effective solution to the company
- The company regularly reviews and evaluates the result for future improvement
Human Rights
Global society is being ruled by the rule of law. Despite different traditions and beliefs, the company can conduct a business by adhering to human rights guidelines as follows.
- Inspect and assess all human rights processes, including creating operational guidelines, evaluating impacts, and following up the result
- Consider and take action carefully if there is any action that violates human rights which are political conflicts, poverty, child problems, organisation corruption, unfair labour, and safety in working conditions and property.
- Avoid both direct and indirect human rights violations
- Set procedures to investigate unfair actions in the company and among stakeholders
- Act and treat fairy towards all groups of people especially children, women, elderly, and special needs people directly and indirectly
- Respect personal, citizenship, and political rights of the stakeholders
- Respect economics, society, and tradition rights of the stakeholders
- Respect fundamental rights to work in accordance with the law
Labour Practices
Employees are considered a crucial resource when conducting a business. Accordingly, the company shall give equal priority to all employees from all departments by creating trust and unity as well as being respectful to each other on the basis of human rights. The company shall also provide a good and safe working environment along with compensation and welfare in accordance with the law. Innovative equipment and new technologies are supplied in the company to support employees as well. Guidelines are provided as follows.
- The company focuses on building a good relationship with employees. The number of labour is planned to avoid temporary employment. Additionally, the company also encourages employees to participate in activities and provide opportunities to share ideas to solve internal problems. The company shall operate according to the law with transparency and fairness
- The company shall not accept or hire subcontracted or undocumented employees.
- The company shall provide employment conditions such as salary, working hours, healthcare, holidays and safety according to the law by focusing on work-life balance.
- The company shall support and facilitate if there is any negotiation on the basis of employees’ rights such as encouraging the establishment of a welfare committee board to be the representative of the employees. The representatives will meet and discuss problems with the management team and come up with solutions.
- The company realised the importance of health care and work safety. Therefore, risk assessment is regularly analysed along with training and yearly health check-up provided by the company. In addition, all employees are provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) and can also receive health and safety advice from specialists as well.
- The company realised the importance of personal development. Accordingly, an annual training program has been created to acknowledge and skill up employees. Activity plans for the management team and employees are being made as well. In addition, the company also provides a career development plan for all employees.
- Environment
The company realised the importance of energy-saving and environmental management by creating awareness among employees as follows
- Pollution prevention
- Identify environmental impacts resulting from the company’s action.
- Calculate and record significant ecological impacts. Create a report on the amount of pollutants and methods of treatment according to the law.
- Set appropriate pollution prevention and waste management.
- Acknowledge communities on how the company manages the environmental problem through a public relation board.
- Encourage the community to use more environmentally friendly products.
- Avoid using prohibited or restricted chemical substances according to the international conventions.
- Sustainable use of resources
- The company has identified, measured, recorded, and reported the use of electricity, water, and other key resources.
- The company has implemented effective measures for the use of water and electricity.
- The company has recycled policies.
- The company manages water resources effectively to ensure that everyone can have equal access to the resources.
- The company is aware of creating sustainable resources awareness.
- Mitigate and adapt to the change in climate
- The company shall support energy-saving product, product development, and energy efficiency services
- Environmental protection and recovery
- The company identifies possible ecosystem and biodiversity impacts as well as sets guidelines for reducing and eliminating these problems.
- The company regularly protects the environment as well as admitting to the environmental cost (if any).
- The company avoids actions that can cause impacts to the ecosystem and also sets ecosystem recovery plans./li>
- The company carefully plans, designs, and implements all actions in order to create the most negligible impact on the environment.
- The company supports suppliers that continuously develop, improve, and preserve biodiversity.
- Fair Operating Practices
The company is determined on conducting business based on business ethics and shall operate with fairness to all groups of stakeholders including the government sectors, partners, suppliers, competitors, and all group membership associations. In addition, the company shall also participate in anti-corruption, be socially responsible, and be respectful to the property rights in order to achieve positive outcomes as follows.
- Anti-corruption
To prevent anti-corruption and all kinds of bribery, the company has set a guideline to acknowledge and create awareness and to adapt when there is any corruption within the company. The company shall also support employees, business partners, and suppliers to report anti-corruption practices in the company.
- Responsible Political Involvement
The company's capital shall not be used with politics, politicians or political parties related activities except it is transparent according to the law.
- Fair Competition
In order to support fair competition, the company shall conduct business based on law and business practices and shall compete with fairness by setting guidelines to create awareness and to support anti-monopoly and anti-dumping as well as not to create competitive advantage from current social issues.
- The company shall support and be responsible for society by adopting practical principles and guidelines that best suit the company.
- The company supports and respects intellectual property rights and local wisdom by setting inspection guidelines and not participating in any violating activities.
- Consumer issues
The company takes into account the importance of consumer satisfaction by providing accurate and transparent information as follows.
- Provide accurate and transparent information. Any unfair or misleading actions will not be made.
- Taking into account the health and safety of consumers, the company also provides special care such as products or services for a specific needed group of people that is safe for health, property, and the environment.
- To support sustainable consumption, the company shall establish products and services as necessary to reduce the impact on society and the environment.
- The company shall review and improve compliance according to the law.
- The Company has established guidelines to protect personal information and prevent an action that violates individual rights.
- The company has continuously prepared machine maintenance plans to prevent an interruption.
- The company takes into account the importance of educating and creating awareness to consumers based on products and services.
- Community involvement and development
The company is considered as a part of the society which cannot be separated from each other. In order to grow and improve sustainably, the company is required to improve and develop as well as return the profit back to the community. One of the company policies is to take into account the importance of society and communities activities by focusing on social, community, environmental, and religious development as well as supporting educational development for youth and those who are in need as follows.
- Prepare development plans with the help of community's representatives by respecting the rights and opinions of the communities together with maintaining the benefit of the company as a whole
- Encourage and support local communities and those who are in need to participate in the educational system and to take part in cultural and local activities as well as help preserve and promote local heritage, wisdom, and technologies.
- Promote and support job creation in the community
- Promote and support local technology development in order to help generate income and knowledge in the community
- Encourage and support local suppliers and focus on underprivileged groups in the community. Help promote the efficient use of local resources.
- Acknowledge the local communities about the production process to avoid negative health effects as well as educate about the diseases, threats, and how to prevent them.
- Avoid activities that require a donation from the company. All activities are required to have an evaluation in order to focus on sustainable development. The company might cooperate with outside organisations to strengthen the communities by exchanging knowledge, skills, and resources.
Business Risk Management
Risk management is the process of identifying, evaluating and controlling risk in the organisation. The purpose of risk management is to estimate and create the same level of understanding about the current risk situation of the company such as the fluctuation of the economy, society, work progress, and the environment. Once the result was completely analysed, suitable and appropriate guidelines must be included to manage the risk to the acceptable level by choosing the right strategy such as the mitigating risk strategies - avoid, reduce, transfer, and accept.
The company realised the importance of risk management under uncertainty by considering risk management a crucial factor in every process of work that can be connected to all departments. Consequently, risk management is considered a key requirement employees need to follow.
Business risk assessment is believed to be the main factor to define strategy and business plan each year by following up and controlling the risk regularly in order to meet the standard of the policy which was approved by the board of directors as follows.
- Risk Identification is the process that can specify risk and relevant factors which can be changed over time. Forecasting any new risks in the future based on both internal and external sources can be considered as risk identification as well.
- Risk Assessment is the process of combining information which mostly needs help from the management team to effectively cover all types of risk that can happen. In addition, the risk management process must be approved by the board of directors.
- ● Risk Monitoring and Risk Controlling require a follow-up as well as a control process approved by the board of directors on a quarterly basis. In case of unpredictable or severe risks, all new business plans should be reviewed and developed then submitted to the board of directors for approval.
The company hopes that the “Code of Conduct” will help the management team, employees, and relevant parties to perform their work effectively and efficiently according to the company’s principles, guidelines, and expectations. Therefore, the company shall improve and develop the “Code of Conduct” continuously and regularly.
Please kindly be informed accordingly
Vithit Utsahajit
Chief Executive Officer